Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI)
www.keri.re.krSince its establishment in 1976, Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI) has been carrying out R&Ds on electrotechnology and testing and certification business on power apparatus as a government-sponsored institute as well as internationally accredited testing and certification body. For the last 30 years, KERI has also achieved a variety of technological achievements for power system, power industry, electric materials and electronics medicare instruments including IT convergence technologies as well.
Power Telecommunication Research Center,
Advanced Power Grid Research Division,
Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI)
Power Telecommunication Research Center, in KERI (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute), applies its capabilities to develop integrated energy and communication network technology such as smart grid ICT, intelligent power telecommunication network and broadband convergence network for the smart power grid.