
EtherCAT是开放的实时以太网,该技术最早由Beckhoff开发。 EtherCAT为应用的实时性能和拓扑灵活性设立了新标准。

EtherCAT技术协会(ETG )


ETG 新闻


2024年06月 | 6月19-21日。ETG联合展台首次亮相华南国际工业博览会。本次展会上ETG展台生动展示了EtherCAT技术本身的众多优势。 更多...

EtherCAT 专题技术交流会(佛山)成功召开

2024年06月 | EtherCAT技术协会携手德国倍福于6月21日在佛山举办了为期半天的EtherCAT专题技术交流会,累计近40位技术工程师积极参与了此次活动。 更多...


2024年06月 | 6月19-21日,ETG联合展台将在深圳首次亮相华南国际工业博览会。ETG将继续携手多家国内外会员单位在展台上展示其最新的EtherCAT产品和解决方案。ETG展位号:12H,A055。 更多...


2024年05月 | 上周,全球ETG团队齐聚一堂参加了全球战略会议。除了来自全球ETG代表处的演讲外,会上还进行了热烈的讨论,并举办了团建活动。 更多...

EtherCAT 技术日(合肥、扬州、常州)圆满收官

2024年05月 | 为了向国内自动化行业提供更深入的EtherCAT技术信息,德国倍福携手EtherCAT技术协会分别于4月22日、24日、26日在合肥、扬州、常州举办了EtherCAT技术日活动,三个地区累计百余位技术工程师亲临现场参与了此次活动。 更多...


2024年05月 | 随着第4000个EtherCAT供应商ID的分配,EtherCAT技术协会(ETG)再次证实了EtherCAT制造商的卓越多样性。 更多...

EtherCAT Technology Day(合肥站)感谢您的到来!

2024年04月 | 4月22日,EtherCAT Technology Day首站在合肥举办,来自合肥及周边的40多位EtherCAT技术工程师齐聚一堂,共同探讨在当前经济形势下如何利用实时以太网通信技术提升其产品竞争力。 更多...


2024年04月 | EtherCAT的强劲增长仍在继续:EtherCAT技术协会(ETG)统计共有7700万个EtherCAT节点数,仅在2023年就增加了1800万个。 更多...

EtherCAT Technology Day(合肥、扬州、常州)

2024年04月 | 全球经济和政治的不稳定使中国自动化市场有了更多的不确定性。然而危机并存。这或许是新一轮发展动力的酝酿。为了向国内自动化行业提供更深入的EtherCAT技术信息,EtherCAT技术协会携手德国倍福将于4月22~26日分别在合肥、扬州、常州举办EtherCAT技术日活动。 更多...


2024年03月 | 3月20~22日,ETG展台首次亮相慕尼黑上海电子生产设备展,展示了EtherCAT技术亮点,在半导体设备中的典型应用,以及相关技术工作组为半导体行业所做出的贡献。 更多...


AKD2G Servo Drive by Kollmorgen

2024年06月 | The KOLLMORGEN AKD2G servo drives are featuring new processors which increase the computational power available and therefore support faster control performance.

RZ/T2M Motor Solution Kit by Renesas

2024年06月 | It's a reference kit that enables easy initial evaluation and advanced development of motor control systems using an RZ/T2M MPU with a high voltage 220V AC servo motor. Software is also included.

PCMM™ Programmable Multi-Axis Master by Kollmorgen

2024年06月 | The PCMM™ is a master controller that supports up to 16 or more AKD or AKD2G axes in a compact package. It provides integrated control for multiple high-performance axes, complete I/O and HMI interfaces, and includes the full automation capabilities of Kollmorgen Automation Suite™.

AKD-N Decentralized Servo Drive by KOLLMORGEN

2024年06月 | The AKD-C/N is a decentralized servo drive system reducing cabinet space and opening the way to a smarter, modular machine design with 80% less cabling.

Plug-in-type block manifold TVG Series by CKD Corporation

2024年06月 | Plug-in valve designed to be carbon neutral, highly reliable, and easy to use. Durability of 120 million cycles. Minimal air leakage even after long-term use. While the equipment is not in operation, air leakage is minimized to help reduce CO2 emissions.

UDMsm by ACS Motion Control

2024年06月 | 2 or 4 Axis EtherCAT® Universal Drive Module. The UDMsm is a member of the Universal Drive Module (UDM) series of EtherCAT-based drives. It is designed to meet the needs of OEMs with demanding multi-axis motion control applications.

UDMdx by ACS Motion Control

2024年06月 | 1 or 2 Axis EtherCAT® AC Input Universal Drive Module. The UDMdx is a member of the Universal Drive Module (UDM) series of EtherCAT-based drives designed to meet the needs of OEMs with demanding multi-axis motion control applications.

MDMst by ACS Motion Control

2024年06月 | ACS launches a new compact single-axis EtherCAT® Mini Drive Module for OEM machine designers. The MDMst is the first member of the Mini-universal Drive Module (MDM) series of EtherCAT-based drives.

IDMdx by ACS Motion Control

2024年06月 | 1 or 2 Axis DS402 EtherCAT® AC Input Intelligent Drive Module. The IDMdx is designed to meet the needs of OEMs employing EtherCAT-based control systems with high-precision motion stages.

Lexium 18E by Schneider Electric

2024年06月 | The combinations of Lexium 18E servo drives and the associated BCH18 servo motors are specially designed for easy integration & commissioning in your machine and provide the right level of performance for the majority of various motion control machines.

U-Phy by rt-labs

2024年06月 | Designed to provide seamless integration and compatibility across various industrial communication protocols, U-Phy empowers your devices to communicate effortlessly, enabling your business to operate with unparalleled efficiency and flexibility.

EtherCAT Slave Library (SOES) by rt-labs

2024年06月 | SOES EtherCAT Slave Library, written in C, is used to write custom EtherCAT Slave applications. SOES can run on a large number of platforms, the main requirement is that the platform include or can interface an EtherCAT Slave Controller(ESC).

EtherCAT Master Library (SOEM) by rt-labs

2024年06月 | SOEM (Simple Open EtherCAT Master) is an open source EtherCAT master stack which is very easy to use and provides a small footprint. It is a good alternative to more complex stacks on the market and is especially well suited for embedded systems.

FSoE Slave Safety

2024年06月 | Certified according to IEC61508 SIL3. Safety-over-EtherCAT is a safety communication layer primarily for EtherCAT networks.The RT-Labs FSoE component is available for RT-Labs EtherCAT stacks SOEM and SOES. The FSoE component is supplied with full sources.

FSoE Slave by rt-labs

2024年06月 | Safety-over-EtherCAT is a safety communication layer primarily for EtherCAT networks. The RT-Labs FSoE component is available for RT-Labs EtherCAT stacks SOEM and SOES. The FSoE component is supplied with full sources.


ETG是全球最大的工业以太网组织, 拥有 7640 个会员单位。
