
EtherCAT是开放的实时以太网,该技术最早由Beckhoff开发。 EtherCAT为应用的实时性能和拓扑灵活性设立了新标准。

EtherCAT技术协会(ETG )


ETG 新闻

2024欧洲EtherCAT Plug Fest活动成功举办

2024年07月 | 6月,EtherCAT技术协会(ETG)再次举办了广受好评的开发者会议—— 2024年欧洲EtherCAT Plug Fest 活动。 更多...


2024年06月 | 6月19-21日。ETG联合展台首次亮相华南国际工业博览会。本次展会上ETG展台生动展示了EtherCAT技术本身的众多优势。 更多...

EtherCAT 专题技术交流会(佛山)成功召开

2024年06月 | EtherCAT技术协会携手德国倍福于6月21日在佛山举办了为期半天的EtherCAT专题技术交流会,累计近40位技术工程师积极参与了此次活动。 更多...


2024年06月 | 6月19-21日,ETG联合展台将在深圳首次亮相华南国际工业博览会。ETG将继续携手多家国内外会员单位在展台上展示其最新的EtherCAT产品和解决方案。ETG展位号:12H,A055。 更多...


2024年05月 | 上周,全球ETG团队齐聚一堂参加了全球战略会议。除了来自全球ETG代表处的演讲外,会上还进行了热烈的讨论,并举办了团建活动。 更多...

EtherCAT 技术日(合肥、扬州、常州)圆满收官

2024年05月 | 为了向国内自动化行业提供更深入的EtherCAT技术信息,德国倍福携手EtherCAT技术协会分别于4月22日、24日、26日在合肥、扬州、常州举办了EtherCAT技术日活动,三个地区累计百余位技术工程师亲临现场参与了此次活动。 更多...


2024年05月 | 随着第4000个EtherCAT供应商ID的分配,EtherCAT技术协会(ETG)再次证实了EtherCAT制造商的卓越多样性。 更多...

EtherCAT Technology Day(合肥站)感谢您的到来!

2024年04月 | 4月22日,EtherCAT Technology Day首站在合肥举办,来自合肥及周边的40多位EtherCAT技术工程师齐聚一堂,共同探讨在当前经济形势下如何利用实时以太网通信技术提升其产品竞争力。 更多...


2024年04月 | EtherCAT的强劲增长仍在继续:EtherCAT技术协会(ETG)统计共有7700万个EtherCAT节点数,仅在2023年就增加了1800万个。 更多...

EtherCAT Technology Day(合肥、扬州、常州)

2024年04月 | 全球经济和政治的不稳定使中国自动化市场有了更多的不确定性。然而危机并存。这或许是新一轮发展动力的酝酿。为了向国内自动化行业提供更深入的EtherCAT技术信息,EtherCAT技术协会携手德国倍福将于4月22~26日分别在合肥、扬州、常州举办EtherCAT技术日活动。 更多...


i750 by LENZE SE

2024年07月 | The i750 cabinet servo inverter provides everything for precise and dynamic motion control in complex multi-axis applications.

Controller c430 by LENZE SE

2024年07月 | Growing machine requirements and new challenges in the field of Digital Services increase the demands on controllers. Lenze‘s new generation of cabinet controllers is the perfect answer to these demands.

Trigon™ BPG552 Bayard-Alpert Pirani DualGauge by INFICON AG

2024年07月 | For applications that require a measurement range from UHV (5 x10-10) down to ATM (1000 mbar) the Trigon™ family contents the dual technology BPG552 gauge. BPG552 consists out of an Bayard-Alpert Hot Ionization sensor element as well out of a classical, robust and reliable Pirani sensor element.

Trigon™ BCG552 Bayard-Alpert Pirani Capacitance Diaphragm TripleGauge® by INFICON AG

2024年07月 | The TripleGauge® BCG552 combines 3 vacuum sensing elements in one sensor flange. This flagship of the new TrigonTM family offers a extreme wide measurement range from UHV (5 x10-10) up to ATM (1500 mbar). With its added ATM sensor BCG552 is predestinated to use for differential pressure measurement and the use as vacuum switch in several applications.

Trigon™ BAG552 Bayard-Alpert SingleGauge by INFICON AG

2024年07月 | For applications that require stand alone hot ion gauge technology, the Trigon™ family contents the single technology Bayard-Alpert Hot Ion Gauge BAG552. The BAG552 is designed for vacuum measurement of gases in the pressure range 5 × 10-10 ... 2 x 10-2 mbar. The supported dual filament offers superior accuracy, repeatability and longevity.

Motion Controllers: MC3603 S ET by FAULHABER

2024年07月 | FAULHABER has added another extremely compact Motion Controller without housing to its product range. The new Motion Controller is ideal for integration in equipment manufacturing and medical technology applications.

Decentralized FIPEOS power supplies by PULS GmbH

2024年07月 | Decentralized 600 W 24 V field power supply with 4 independent current-limited output channels and EtherCAT interface for direct access to monitoring data and remote control of the power supply.

DIN rail power supplies with EtherCAT by PULS GmbH

2024年07月 | Highly-efficient and compact 240 W and 480 W (24 V / 48 V) DIN-rail power supplies with EtherCAT interface for direct access to monitoring data and remote control of the power supply.

SP200-Gateway "SP200-GWA00S00.00" by ACD Antriebstechnik

2024年07月 | The SP200 gateway is the wireless remote station for the wireless safety HMI SP200. It allows safe data flow from the SP200 via radio link into an EtherCAT/FSoE network.

i550 motec frequency inverter by Lenze

2024年07月 | The i550 motec and his bigger brother i650 motec frequency inverter in the power range of 0.37 ... 45 kW for motor and wall mounting in protection class IP66.

Wireless Safety HMI "SP200A00.00" by ACD Antriebstechnik

2024年07月 | The Wireless Safety HMI SP200 is a wireless handheld control unit with numerous safety functions, which can be used for process and machine control.

UDMma by ACS Motion Control

2024年06月 | 2 or 4 Axis EtherCAT® Universal Drive Module


2024年06月 | EtherCAT Converter for 6-xis Force Sensor (SFS-EC01)


2024年06月 | EVB-CF1103 EtherCAT 从站评估板是一款易于使用且灵活的开发板,设计人员可以通过数字 I/O 等接口在非 MCU EtherCAT 从站应用上评估 CF1103 EtherCAT 功能,或通过 CF1103 SPI PDI 接口在具有的MCU的 EtherCAT 从站应用上评估CF1103 EtherCAT 功能。


2024年06月 | NCT's SMI2 is a two-channel stepper motor driver controller with capability of receiving SSI signal encoder to realise closed loop control of encoder-equipped stepper motors.


ETG是全球最大的工业以太网组织, 拥有 7640 个会员单位。
