Membership Benefits
EtherCAT device vendors are encouraged to join ETG so that they get access to development products and implementation support as well as their own EtherCAT Vendor ID and the EtherCAT Conformance Test Tool (CTT). EtherCAT users support the technology and its adaptation to their industry by joining the ETG.
- ETG members have access to the members-only part of the EtherCAT website, which provides specifications, implementation guidelines, a developers forum, the EtherCAT Knowlege Base and other up-to-date information regarding the technology.
- EtherCAT development products are intended for ETG members only.
- Group members get preferred access to specification drafts, white papers, proceedings of ETG events, evaluation products and thus have a head start in evaluating, using or implementing the EtherCAT technology.
- Members are eligible to participate in technical working groups or technical committees and thus have influence on future enhancements of the EtherCAT technology specifications. A list of all ETG Technical Working Groups is available within the members-only area.
- ETG represent the member’s interest in international standardization committees such as IEC and ISO.
- Latest information about the group, further developments of the technology and possible marketing participation as well as upcoming events is distributed via the ETG info mail (member's newsletter).
- The member companies may use the EtherCAT logo to show their support for this technology as well as the EtherCAT Technology Group logo to show their membership in the group.
- ETG members are eligible to promote their EtherCAT products and expertise in the official EtherCAT Product Guide and at ETG joint booths at major trade shows.
- The membership is free of charge.