ETG | Ultime Notizie

ETG to exhibit at TECHNO-FRONTIER 2024 in Japan

06/2024 | We are excited to announce that the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) will be participating in TECHNO-FRONTIER 2024 in Japan. Visitors of our booth will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of EtherCAT-compatible products that are available and supported in Japan.

Additionally, the ETG Office Japan will provide valuable information on upcoming basic technology seminars and events designed to support developers throughout the year. This is an excellent opportunity to stay informed about the latest advancements and initiatives in the EtherCAT ecosystem.

Don't miss your chance to visit our booth and get the latest updates on EtherCAT and ETG!

We look forward to seeing you at TECHNO-FRONTIER 2024!

Further information