Archivio Notizie 2020

EtherCAT Technology Group welcomes Roll-2-Roll Technologies LLC as member number 6,000
11/2020 | The latest membership milestone in the growth of the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) shows that EtherCAT technology is successfully defying the current global crisis: The American sensor manufacturer Roll-2-Roll Technologies LLC recently became member number 6,000 of the world's largest fieldbus user organization.
EtherCAT Webinar Italia: Mercoledì, 28 Ottobre, 2020
10/2020 | Crisis is time for innovation, gain market share with EtherCAT! Vi invitiamo a partecipare ad un seminario online di EtherCAT, offerto in particolare per l'Italia. La presentazione sarà tenuta dal vivo da Martin Rostan, executive director di EtherCAT Technology Group. La partecipazione è gratuita. Ti invitiamo a registrarti per assistere al webinar.
Compendio EtherCAT: primi capitoli online
09/2020 | Il Compendio EtherCAT fornisce una descrizione completa e coerente di EtherCAT con i suoi dettagli tecnici, il sistema, l'implementazione e gli aspetti relativi all'utente. Esso integra le specifiche tecniche con un know-how facilmente accessibile, applicabile e specifico per l'applicazione. Il compendio è un work in progress, ma i primi capitoli sono già online.Il Compendio EtherCAT si rivolge ai lettori, agli sviluppatori e agli ingegneri di supporto e in generale a tutti gli interessati, così come agli ingegneri di progetto, agli studenti e agli accademici dei membri dell'ETG. Il Compendio EtherCAT è organizzato in diverse sezioni. I primi capitoli che vengono pubblicati fanno parte della sezione "Dettagli tecnologici". Altre sezioni che seguiranno sono "Introduzione a EtherCAT", "Aspetti del sistema", "Aspetti dell'implementazione" e "Aspetti dell'utente". I singoli capitoli vengono pubblicati uno per uno fino a formare il compendio completo di EtherCAT.
Il compendio EtherCAT può essere scaricato dal sito www.ethercat.org/compendium.

SPS Italia Digital Days: Contact Place ETG
09/2020 | A settembre SPS Italia incontra la community per l’automazione in una nuova dimensione digitale: SPS Italia Contact Place. Contact Place è la Community Digitale di SPS Italia, una vetrina sul settore dell'automazione, del mondo digitale e tutte le tecnologie innovative per l'Industria. ETG sarà presente nel Contact Place dal 28 al 30 settembre 2020. Informatevi su EtherCAT e contattateci.
Crisis is time for innovation, gain market share with EtherCAT!
07/2020 |Martin Rostan does not believe in reinterpreting the crisis into advantages: motivational slogans alone do not help. But the additional time now available should be used well. During the Hannover Messe Digital Days 2020 the ETG Executive Director explained how.

ETG con nuovi contenuti multimediali
03/2020 | EtherCAT Technology Group offre nuovi contenuti multimediali a tutti gli interessati, e nelle prossime settimane pubblicherà sul proprio sito web e sul proprio canale Youtube un totale di otto nuovi video tecnici che illustrano brevemente le funzionalità e i vantaggi della tecnologia EtherCAT.I video sono al momento sottotitolati in tre lingue – Tedesco, Inglese e Cinese – e possono quindi essere visti senza problemi anche in assenza di audio. Altri video simili sono attesi in futuro.
Cliccate qui per i video:
EtherCAT Technology Group - in 2 minutes
EtherCAT Functional Principle - in 2 minutes

ETG @ embedded world 2020
02/2020 | Visit us in Hall 4-266 at embedded world 2020 - the leading international fair for embedded systems - in Nuremberg, Germany! We are presenting the latest technology updates of EtherCAT, including EtherCAT G (enhanced EtherCAT functionality at gigabit levels), TSN (Time-Sensitive Networking), the vendor-independend master diagnosis interface, development products and services, Safety over EtherCAT as well as EtherCAT P.The trade show is taking place from February 25 to 27, 2020 at the Exhibition Centre ("Messe") in Nuremberg: www.embedded-world.de
+++ Click here for current information about the Coronavirus +++

ETG provides new educational tool for developers
02/2020 | The EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) offers manufacturers, developers and users comprehensive support services for EtherCAT technology. The EtherCAT Device Protocol Poster is an additional tool that specifically helps developers of EtherCAT devices successfully navigate the EtherCAT world.The poster deals with the basics of EtherCAT technology, the EtherCAT Device Protocol (EDP), and provides a visual overview of EtherCAT. It describes the basic functional principles of EtherCAT, the structure of the frame and its processing in the EtherCAT Slave Controller (ESC). Additionally, it provides further information on the registers used by the ESC, the object model and references to relevant specification documents.
The target group for the EDP poster is primarily the developer community, and ETG intends for the document to serve as a basis for extended support for this group. Of course, the poster is also helpful for all who want to delve deeper into the EtherCAT technology. For example, students who want to get a general overview of the technology, will find the document a helpful support tool.
Stephan Köhnen, the EtherCAT expert at ETG who was responsible for the EtherCAT Device Protocol Poster project, explains: “My goal for the poster was to provide EtherCAT device developers a visual basis for a deeper understanding of EtherCAT technology. Comparable to a geographic map, the poster helps to orientate oneself in the EtherCAT world.”
The poster is available for all free of charge, including those without ETG membership, and available in English and Japanese. It is available in printed form in ETG trade fair booths and at ETG seminars. Those who prefer the digital version can access the document free of charge at www.ethercat.org/poster.

EtherCAT Seminar Taiwan 2020
01/2020 | To provide a better understanding of hot topics in the global automation industry, EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) will present an informative EtherCAT event in Hsinchu, Taiwan (R.O.C.), on February 18, 2020.Traditional fieldbus systems are showing their limitations today as new fieldbus technologies are appearing that promise to provide higher performance and more support for Internet protocols. Automation system users have to decide if, when and how to adopt these next-generation networks. EtherCAT is advancing its technology with EtherCAT G.
This half-day afternoon seminar (13:00 - 17:00) is free of charge and a great chance to get learn about EtherCAT technology. Participants can discover how EtherCAT could generate performance and competitive advantages.This event specifically addresses end users, system integrators, OEMs, product manager, decision makers and device manufacturers to learn about EtherCAT and Industrial Ethernet, but also the latest trends like Industry 4.0, IoT and EtherCAT G. The seminar is supported by Beckhoff Automation. For more details, please follow the links below. Register soon as the number of seats is limited.

EtherCAT Seminar Series New Zealand 2020
01/2020 | EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) will present an informative series of EtherCAT events in New Zealand from February 19 to 20, 2020. These half-day morning seminars are free of charge and a great chance to learn about EtherCAT.We have secured excellent locations in Christchurch (The Addington Raceway Events Centre) and Auckland (Hospitality Lounge of Emirates Team New Zealand)!
This seminar (9.00 am - 1.00 pm) specifically addresses end users, system integrators, OEMs, product manager, decision makers and device manufacturers to learn about EtherCAT and Industrial Ethernet, but also the latest trends like Industry 4.0, IoT and EtherCAT G. Our series in New Zealand is supported by Beckhoff Automation. For more event details, please follow the links below. Register soon as the number of seats is limited.
Invitation Details Registration
Please also note the EtherCAT events taking place in Australia at special venues in Perth (Feb 11), Melbourne (Feb 13) and Sydney (Feb 14).

EtherCAT Seminar Series Australia 2020
01/2020 | EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) will present an informative series of EtherCAT events in Australia from February 11 to 14, 2020. These half-day morning seminars are free of charge and a great chance to get access to the EtherCAT technology.We have secured excellent locations in Perth (FLUX), Melbourne (Creative Cubes) and Sydney (Rydges Parramatta)!
These seminars (8.00 am - 1.00 pm) specifically address end users, system integrators, OEMs, product manager, decision makers and device manufacturers to learn about EtherCAT and Industrial Ethernet, but also the latest trends like Industry 4.0, IoT and EtherCAT G. Our series is supported by 3S-Smart Software Solutions, Beckhoff Automation, Balluff, ifm efector and SMC. For more event details, please follow the links below. Register soon as the number of seats is limited.
Invitation Details Registration
Please also note the EtherCAT events taking place in New Zealand at special venues in Christchurch (Feb 19) and Auckland (Feb 20).