HV Breakout Module Type 1.2
The CSM HV Breakout Module Type 1.2 has been specifically designed for single-phase measurement applications on separate cables for HV+ and HV-. It measures directly voltages up to 1.000 V and currents up to 1.400 A. Power is calculated online with 1 MHz dara rate calculation. Therefore it is ideally suited for measurement at large consumers such as electric motors.
The HV Breakout Module Type 1.2 is to be inserted into the HV power lines: On one hand the cables are connected inside the module via ring terminals and on the other hand they are linked by adapters to the power circuit. This guarantees safety, because other HV measurement cables are not needed. In addition it is possible to insert the module easy and reusable by plug-and-play mounting.
Alternatively, the measurement module can be connected to the cables via PowerLok connector system. This allows easy changing of the DUTs, e.g. in test bench applications.
The voltage is measured directly. Current measurement is performed by a shunt module that includes a differential amplifier, a temperature sensor and a memory chip for calibration data for automatic online temperature compensation. The Output of the measurement data can be done with a maximum data rate of up to 1 MHz via the EtherCAT interface.
- Single-phase measurement of voltage (up to 1.000 V) and current (up to 1.400 A) in HV applications
- Online power calculation with 1 MHz data rate calculation, 100% synchronous
- Output of coltage, current and power with up to 1 MHz measurement data rate
- Simultaneous EtherCAT and other fieldbus communication