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More than 100 engineers at EtherCAT Technology Days in China

05/2024 | In order to provide more in-depth information on EtherCAT technology to the domestic automation industry in China, the ETG recently held three EtherCAT Technology Days in Hefei, Yangzhou, and Changzhou.

More than 100 technical engineers from the three regions participated in the event in person. At the event, EtherCAT technical experts brought customers the topics of precautions to be taken when building EtherCAT systems, configuration and diagnosis during implementation, and how EtherCAT can help customers carry out digital transformation for the future, etc.

There were also a wealth of demos and demonstrations of newest products on the spot, which brought EtherCAT's advantages to the fullest extent and guaranteed the future applications.

We thank our colleagues onsite as well as our sponsoring company for making the event series such a great success.